A breve i miei lavori in vendita su Muuseum
Giulia Neri
Giulia Neri
Giulia Neri
The first time you felt free
And something about you will remain
And something about you will remain
And something about you will remain
And something about you will remain
When life wants to tell you something
When life wants to tell you something
When life wants to tell you something
When life wants to tell you something
Freedom is a matter of moments
Freedom is a matter of moments
Freedom is a matter of moments
Freedom is a matter of moments
Why do we always want to force events to happen?
Why do we always want to force events to happen?
Why do we always want to force events to happen?
Why do we always want to force events to happen?
Are we raising racist children?
Are we raising racist children?
Are we raising racist children?
Are we raising racist children?
Unreliable love
Unreliable love
Unreliable love
Unreliable love
Is breaking a relationship always the fault of both partners?
Is breaking a relationship always the fault of both partners?
Is breaking a relationship always the fault of both partners?
Is breaking a relationship always the fault of both partners?
Learn not to be in a hurry
Learn not to be in a hurry
Learn not to be in a hurry
Learn not to be in a hurry